Smiths Falls

Youth centre announces changes

Posted Nov 3, 2011 By EMC News

EMC Lifestyle - It's been a busy time at the Smiths Falls and District Centre for Youth. Here is a summary of some of our changes:

Name: First of all we are now known as the CENTRE for youth. This name better reflects what we do for youth in Smiths Falls. At the centre you will find a place that gives youth aged 10-18 respect, safety, belonging and the opportunity to be themselves. We encourage academic effort and community engagement for our youth. Our youth also have their own board of directors that make suggestions and bring forward ideas to make changes and better serve youth in our community. We value the input of our youth and want to hear from them.

Hours: As of November 1 we are open to youth Tuesday to Friday 2-6PM.

Programming: We are continuing our existing programming and have added a few new ones. Two examples of this are our Guy Talk and Girl Talk. One night a week we have time for just guys or girls to hang out and talk about topics that interest them in an environment of support and friendship. Please visit and ask us about the TRY project-Truth for Rural Youth at, which we are proud to support.

Equipment: Also new to the centre is a big screen TV and computer access has been restored. Internet access is monitored by our staff and available to youth in 15-minute blocks. We also have satellite radio and youth can pick the station or play music on their iPod. Stay tuned to see our new website at

Holidays: Nov. 10 we are travelling to the War Museum at 4 p.m. and Remembrance Day the next day will see us busy at the cenotaph and our Legion supporting our veterans on this very important day. We will be hosting a community dinner for Christmas on Dec. 22. You can also visit our elves as the help Santa arrive on the 26th of November for his annual parade through town.

Do you have any questions about the centre or our program? Please contact Doris or Sarrahlynn at 613-284-1784 or You can find us at 41 Main Street West Smiths Falls.

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